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Work with community for their benefits

Success Story Bajaj Foundation, Sikar

When lending a hand to resolve issues in the villages surrounding our factories, the Bajaj Foundation has always preferred to work with the community and by utilizing the available resources. One of the ways of doing this is to create village institutions that oversee the planning and implementation of various need-based projects. Some of the institutions set up by the Foundation across villages in Sikar and Wardha districts are a Water Resource Development & Management programme, Self-Help Groups for women empowerment, Kisan (Farmers) Clubs, Farmer Interest Groups and Farmer Producer Organizations for promotion of sustainable agriculture, as well as Youth Mandals for plantation programmes. Participation in whatever capacity possible is encouraged amongst the villagers. All inputs, suggestions, feedback and ideas are heard and appreciated. This strategy helps instil a sense of pride, responsibility, ownership and accountability amongst the members of the community.

In Sikar district, The Bajaj Foundation has, till date, established 1,157 village institutions/committees which includes 50 Village Development Committees, 952 Self-Help groups, 61 Kisan Clubs, 39 Farmers Interest Groups, 3 Farmer Producer Organizations and 52 Youth clubs.

Through the village institutions, we have successfully covered 6,338 acres with horticulture and forestry plantation, constructed 1,691 Bio Gas Plants, installed 198 Ground Water Recharge systems – be it Borewells or open wells, constructed 52 farm ponds/percolation tanks and check dams, constructed 1,188 Roof Rain Water Harvesting Structures, converted 1,390 acre of uncultivable land, into cultivable land through land levelling, installed Micro Irrigation Systems that provides irrigation to 4,084 acres, covered 2,500 farmers as shareholders under 3 Farmers Producer Companies, supported the development of a sustainable livelihood for 264 families under Neediest Families Upliftment Programme and helped 58 women set up their own business by establishing a skill based training programme focussed on sewing and stitching as well as providing them with stitching machines.

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