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Design For Change – Making Children Future-ready


Corporate Communication / Published Feb 2, 2020

We are not in this just to make money. You have to create value for society.

We at Bajaj Foundation has always worked towards offering something valuable to the society. While it is an evolved truth that money is essential for the fulfilment of wants or needs, we believe that it is values that form the most important pillars which strengthen an individual’s character, thereby building a value-based society.

To take forward this objective, we have initiated a project called “Design For Change” to empower school children, teach them the importance of collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and empathy. We achieve that through 4 steps - Feel, Imagine, Do and Share. These steps help children in finding solutions to problems independently, which then inspires them and makes them feel confident. The core theme of the programme is the “I Can” approach, that is, I can bring change with small actions.

Our team observed that around 110 students from Class 9th of Arvind Senior Secondary School, Vijaypura Village, Dhod Block are addicted to tobacco, gutka, cigarette etc. When we sat down with them during the problem-solution session and discussion, we learned that these students believed if the elder people in their family consumed tobacco, gutka or cigarette then, it’s probably safe for them. They thought of finding out a solution to make an addiction-free school.

  • 1. Addiction and harmful effects on health, family and society
  • 2. Making awareness posters and placards for the school as well as the village
  • 3. Arranged rallies after meeting keep people from the village and also the school Principal
  • 4. Prepared street plays for rallies to create awareness among youth and children of the village

Additionally, they also convinced the owners of two shopkeepers selling tobacco, gutka, cigarettes etc. and asked them to shift their shops far away from the school campus. Even during everyday prayers in the school, children offered remedies to the ones addicted to help them understand the problems caused by addiction. 660 children took an oath that they will not get addicted and will not let anyone do it.

On Republic Day, children gave a message to all parents and children through a drama presentation on Addiction. The village Sarpanch praised this work of the children. He saw the budding values in children which helps build a strong platform for the society and nation because children are the future of the nation. It is this I CAN mindset that equips every child to be AWARE around them, ENABLE them with the skills to take action and EMPOWER them to design a desirable and sustainable future.

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